Class IncrementalIndexRow

  • public final class IncrementalIndexRow
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • getTimestamp

        public long getTimestamp()
      • getDims

        public Object[] getDims()
      • getRowIndex

        public int getRowIndex()
      • estimateBytesInMemory

        public long estimateBytesInMemory()
        bytesInMemory estimates the size of IncrementalIndexRow key, it takes into account the timestamp(long), dims(Object Array) and dimensionDescsList(List). Each of these are calculated as follows:
        • timestamp : Long.BYTES
        • dims array : Integer.BYTES * array length + Long.BYTES (dims object) + dimsKeySize(passed via constructor)
        • dimensionDescList : Long.BYTES (shared pointer)
        • dimsKeySize : this value is passed in based on the key type (int, long, double, String etc.)
        long estimated bytesInMemory
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object