Interface Transform

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Transform
    A row transform that is part of a TransformSpec. Transforms allow adding new fields to input rows. Each one has a "name" (the name of the new field) which can be referred to by DimensionSpecs, AggregatorFactories, etc. Each also has a "row function", which produces values for this new field based on looking at the entire input row. If a transform has the same name as a field in an input row, then it will shadow the original field. Transforms that shadow fields may still refer to the fields they shadow. This can be used to transform a field "in-place". Transforms do have some limitations. They can only refer to fields present in the actual input rows; in particular, they cannot refer to other transforms. And they cannot remove fields, only add them. However, they can shadow a field with another field containing all nulls, which will act similarly to removing the field.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the field name for this transform.
      • getRowFunction

        RowFunction getRowFunction()
        Returns the function for this transform. The RowFunction takes an entire row as input and returns a column value as output.
      • getRequiredColumns

        Set<String> getRequiredColumns()
        Returns the names of all columns that this transform is going to read.