Class LinearGutmanSplitStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • LinearGutmanSplitStrategy

        public LinearGutmanSplitStrategy​(int minNumChildren,
                                         int maxNumChildren,
                                         BitmapFactory bf)
    • Method Detail

      • pickSeeds

        public Node[] pickSeeds​(List<Node> nodes)
        This algorithm is from the original paper. Algorithm LinearPickSeeds. Select two entries to be the first elements of the groups. LPS1. [Find extreme rectangles along all dimensions]. Along each dimension, find the entry whose rectangle has the highest low side, and the one with the lowest high side. Record the separation. LPS2. [Adjust for shape of the rectangle cluster]. Normalize the separations by dividing by the width of the entire set along the corresponding dimension. LPS3. [Select the most extreme pair]. Choose the pair with the greatest normalized separation along any dimension.
        Specified by:
        pickSeeds in class GutmanSplitStrategy
        nodes - - nodes to choose from
        - two groups representing the seeds
      • pickNext

        public Node pickNext​(List<Node> nodes)
        This algorithm is from the original paper. Algorithm LinearPickNext. PickNext simply choose any of the remaining entries.
        Specified by:
        pickNext in class GutmanSplitStrategy
        nodes - - remaining nodes
        - the optimal selected node