Class FrameCursorUtils

  • public class FrameCursorUtils
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • buildFilter

        public static Filter buildFilter​(@Nullable
                                         Filter filter,
                                         org.joda.time.Interval interval)
        Builds a Filter from a Filter plus an Interval. Useful when we want to do a time filter on a frame, but can't push the time filter into the frame itself (perhaps because it isn't time-sorted).
      • cursorToFrames

        public static Sequence<Frame> cursorToFrames​(Cursor cursor,
                                                     FrameWriterFactory frameWriterFactory)
        Writes a Cursor to a sequence of Frame. This method iterates over the rows of the cursor, and writes the columns to the frames
        cursor - Cursor to write to the frame
        frameWriterFactory - Frame writer factory to write to the frame. Determines the signature of the rows that are written to the frames