Class YieldingAccumulator<AccumulatedType,​InType>

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    DelegatingYieldingAccumulator, FilteringYieldingAccumulator, MappingYieldingAccumulator

    public abstract class YieldingAccumulator<AccumulatedType,​InType>
    extends Object
    A YieldingAccumulator is used along with a Yielder in order to replicate continuations in Java. I'm still not sure this is such a great idea, but it's there. We shall see. The accumulated has its accumulate() method called and has the option of "yielding" its response by calling yield() before returning as response. If it chooses not to yield its response, then it expects to get called again with the next value and the value it just returned.
    • Constructor Detail

      • YieldingAccumulator

        public YieldingAccumulator()