Class AbstractFlatTextFormatParser

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractFlatTextFormatParser

        public AbstractFlatTextFormatParser​(@Nullable
                                            String listDelimiter,
                                            boolean hasHeaderRow,
                                            int maxSkipHeaderRows)
    • Method Detail

      • startFileFromBeginning

        public void startFileFromBeginning()
        Description copied from interface: Parser
        This method may or may not get called at the start of reading of every file depending on the type of IndexTasks. The parser state should be reset if exists.
        Specified by:
        startFileFromBeginning in interface Parser<String,​Object>
      • getListDelimiter

        public String getListDelimiter()
      • getFieldNames

        public List<String> getFieldNames()
        Description copied from interface: Parser
        Returns the fieldNames that we expect to see in parsed Maps, if known, or null otherwise. Deprecated; Parsers should not, in general, be expected to know what fields they will return.
        Specified by:
        getFieldNames in interface Parser<String,​Object>
      • setFieldNames

        public void setFieldNames​(Iterable<String> fieldNames)
        Description copied from interface: Parser
        Set the fieldNames that you expect to see in parsed Maps. Deprecated; Parsers should not, in general, be expected to know what fields they will return. Some individual types of parsers do need to know (like a TSV parser) and those parsers have their own way of setting field names.
        Specified by:
        setFieldNames in interface Parser<String,​Object>
      • setFieldNames

        public void setFieldNames​(String header)
      • parseToMap

        public Map<String,​Object> parseToMap​(String input)
        Description copied from interface: Parser
        Parse a String into a Map. The result can be null which means the given input string will be ignored.
        Specified by:
        parseToMap in interface Parser<String,​Object>