Class ProcCgroupDiscoverer

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProcCgroupDiscoverer

        public ProcCgroupDiscoverer​(Path procDir)
        Create a proc discovery mechanism based on a `/proc` directory.
        procDir - The directory under proc. This is usually `/proc/self` or `/proc/#pid`
    • Method Detail

      • discover

        public Path discover​(String cgroup)
        Gets the path in the virtual FS for the given cgroup (cpu, mem, etc.). The method first retrieves 2 paths: - The cgroup virtual FS mount point by calling /proc/mounts. This is usually like '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu'. - The heirarchy path by calling /proc/[pid]/cgroup. In Docker this can look like '/docker/4b053f1267369a19dcdcb293e1b4d6b71fd0f26bf7711d589f19d48af92e6278' The method then tries to find the final virtual FS path by contenating the 2 paths first, and then falling back to the root virtual FS path. In this example, the method tries '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/docker/4b053f1267369a19dcdcb293e1b4d6b71fd0f26bf7711d589f19d48af92e6278' and then falls back to '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu'. An exception is thrown if neither path exists.
        Specified by:
        discover in interface CgroupDiscoverer
        cgroup - The cgroup.
        the virtual FS path.