Class MatchingDimExtractionFn

    • Constructor Detail

      • MatchingDimExtractionFn

        public MatchingDimExtractionFn​(String expr)
    • Method Detail

      • getCacheKey

        public byte[] getCacheKey()
        Description copied from interface: Cacheable
        Get a byte array used as a cache key.
        a cache key
      • apply

        public String apply​(@Nullable
                            String dimValue)
        Description copied from interface: ExtractionFn
        The "extraction" function. This should map a String value into some other String value.

        Like ExtractionFn.apply(Object), the empty string is considered invalid output for this method and it should instead return null.

        dimValue - the original value of the dimension
        a value that should be used instead of the original
      • getExpr

        public String getExpr()
      • preservesOrdering

        public boolean preservesOrdering()
        Description copied from interface: ExtractionFn
        Offers information on whether the extraction will preserve the original ordering of the values.

        Some optimizations of queries is possible if ordering is preserved. Null values *do* count towards ordering.

        true if ordering is preserved, false otherwise
      • getExtractionType

        public ExtractionFn.ExtractionType getExtractionType()
        Description copied from interface: ExtractionFn
        A dim extraction can be of one of two types, renaming or rebucketing. In the `ONE_TO_ONE` case, a unique values is modified into another unique value. In the `MANY_TO_ONE` case, there is no longer a 1:1 relation between old dimension value and new dimension value
        ExtractionFn.ExtractionType declaring what kind of manipulation this function does
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object