Interface SearchQueryRunner.SearchColumnSelectorStrategy<ValueSelectorType>

    • Method Detail

      • updateSearchResultSet

        void updateSearchResultSet​(String outputName,
                                   ValueSelectorType dimSelector,
                                   SearchQuerySpec searchQuerySpec,
                                   int limit,
                                   it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntRBTreeMap<SearchHit> set)
        Read the current row from dimSelector and update the search result set.

        For each row value: 1. Check if searchQuerySpec accept()s the value 2. If so, add the value to the result set and increment the counter for that value 3. If the size of the result set reaches the limit after adding a value, return early.

        outputName - Output name for this dimension in the search query being served
        dimSelector - Dimension value selector
        searchQuerySpec - Spec for the search query
        set - The result set of the search query
        limit - The limit of the search query