Class Generic1AggPooledTopNScannerPrototype

    • Constructor Detail

      • Generic1AggPooledTopNScannerPrototype

        public Generic1AggPooledTopNScannerPrototype()
    • Method Detail

      • scanAndAggregate

        public long scanAndAggregate​(DimensionSelector dimensionSelector,
                                     BufferAggregator aggregator,
                                     int aggregatorSize,
                                     Cursor cursor,
                                     int[] positions,
                                     ByteBuffer resultsBuffer)
        Any changes to this method should be coordinated with TopNUtils, PooledTopNAlgorithm.computeSpecializedScanAndAggregateImplementations() and downstream methods. It should be checked with a tool like that C2 compiler output for this method doesn't have any method calls in the while loop, i. e. all method calls are inlined. To be able to see assembly of this method in JITWatch and other similar tools, PooledTopNAlgorithm.SPECIALIZE_GENERIC_ONE_AGG_POOLED_TOPN should be turned off. Note that in this case the benchmark should be "naturally monomorphic", i. e. execute this method always with the same runtime shape. If the while loop contains not inlined method calls, it should be considered as a performance bug.
        Specified by:
        scanAndAggregate in interface Generic1AggPooledTopNScanner
        aggregatorSize - number of bytes required by aggregator for a single aggregation
        positions - a cache for positions in resultsBuffer, where specific (indexed) dimension values are aggregated
        number of scanned rows, i. e. number of steps made with the given cursor