Class CompressionStrategy.Compressor

    • Constructor Detail

      • Compressor

        public Compressor()
    • Method Detail

      • allocateInBuffer

        public ByteBuffer allocateInBuffer​(int inputSize,
                                           Closer closer)
        Allocates a buffer that should be passed to compress(java.nio.ByteBuffer, java.nio.ByteBuffer) method as input buffer. Different Compressors require (or work more efficiently with) different kinds of buffers.

        If the allocated buffer is a direct buffer, it should be registered to be freed with the given Closer.

      • allocateOutBuffer

        public abstract ByteBuffer allocateOutBuffer​(int inputSize,
                                                     Closer closer)
        Allocates a buffer that should be passed to compress(java.nio.ByteBuffer, java.nio.ByteBuffer) method as output buffer. Different Compressors require (or work more efficiently with) different kinds of buffers.

        Allocates a buffer that is always enough to compress a byte sequence of the given size.

        If the allocated buffer is a direct buffer, it should be registered to be freed with the given Closer.

      • compress

        public abstract ByteBuffer compress​(ByteBuffer in,
                                            ByteBuffer out)
        Returns a ByteBuffer with compressed contents of in between it's position and limit. It may be the provided out ByteBuffer, or the in ByteBuffer, depending on the implementation. out's position and limit are not respected and could be discarded.

        Contents of in between it's position and limit are compressed. It's contents, position and limit shouldn't be changed in compress() method.