Class SearchQueryFilter

    • Method Detail

      • supportsRequiredColumnRewrite

        public boolean supportsRequiredColumnRewrite()
        Description copied from interface: Filter
        Returns true is this filter is able to return a copy of this filter that is identical to this filter except that it operates on different columns, based on a renaming map.
      • rewriteRequiredColumns

        public Filter rewriteRequiredColumns​(Map<String,​String> columnRewrites)
        Description copied from interface: Filter
        Return a copy of this filter that is identical to the this filter except that it operates on different columns, based on a renaming map where the key is the column to be renamed in the filter, and the value is the new column name. For example, if I have a filter (A = hello), and I have a renaming map (A -> B), this should return the filter (B = hello)
        columnRewrites - Column rewrite map
        Copy of this filter that operates on new columns based on the rewrite map