Class Equality

  • public class Equality
    extends Object
    Represents a join condition between a left-hand-side expression (leftExpr) and a right-hand-side direct column access (rightColumn). This is a particularly interesting kind of condition because it can be resolved using a hashtable on the right-hand side. Note that this class does not override "equals" or "hashCode". This is because Expr also does not.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Equality

        public Equality​(Expr leftExpr,
                        String rightColumn,
                        boolean includeNull)
    • Method Detail

      • getLeftExpr

        public Expr getLeftExpr()
      • getRightColumn

        public String getRightColumn()
      • isIncludeNull

        public boolean isIncludeNull()
        Whether null is treated as a value that can be equal to itself. True for conditions using "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM", false for conditions using regular equals.