Class ComplexMetrics

  • public class ComplexMetrics
    extends Object
    ComplexMetrics houses a mapping of serde names to affiliated ComplexMetricSerde objects.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComplexMetrics

        public ComplexMetrics()
    • Method Detail

      • registerSerde

        public static void registerSerde​(String type,
                                         ComplexMetricSerde serde)
        Register a serde name -> ComplexMetricSerde mapping.

        If the specified serde key string is already used and the supplied ComplexMetricSerde is not of the same type as the existing value in the map for said key, an ISE is thrown.

        type - The serde name used as the key in the map.
        serde - The ComplexMetricSerde object to be associated with the 'type' in the map.
      • unregisterSerde

        public static void unregisterSerde​(String type)
        Unregister a serde name -> ComplexMetricSerde mapping. If the specified serde key string is not in use, does nothing. Only expected to be used in tests.