Class NoFilterVectorOffset

    • Constructor Detail

      • NoFilterVectorOffset

        public NoFilterVectorOffset​(int maxVectorSize,
                                    int start,
                                    int end)
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public int getId()
        Description copied from interface: ReadableVectorInspector
        Returns an integer that uniquely identifies the current vector. This is useful for caching: it is safe to assume nothing has changed in the vector so long as the id remains the same.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface ReadableVectorInspector
      • advance

        public void advance()
        Description copied from interface: VectorOffset
        Advances by one batch.
        Specified by:
        advance in interface VectorOffset
      • isDone

        public boolean isDone()
        Description copied from interface: VectorOffset
        Checks if iteration is "done", meaning the current batch of offsets is empty, and there are no more coming.
        Specified by:
        isDone in interface VectorOffset
      • isContiguous

        public boolean isContiguous()
        Description copied from interface: ReadableVectorOffset
        Checks if the current batch is a contiguous range or not. This is only good for one batch at a time, since the same object may return some contiguous batches and some non-contiguous batches. So, callers must check this method each time they want to retrieve the current batch of offsets.
        Specified by:
        isContiguous in interface ReadableVectorOffset
      • getMaxVectorSize

        public int getMaxVectorSize()
        Description copied from interface: VectorSizeInspector
        Returns the maximum vector size for this cursor. It will not change for the lifetime of this cursor, and is generally used to allocate scratch arrays for later processing. Will always be greater than zero.
        Specified by:
        getMaxVectorSize in interface VectorSizeInspector
      • getStartOffset

        public int getStartOffset()
        Description copied from interface: ReadableVectorOffset
        If "isContiguous" is true, this method returns the start offset of the range. The length of the range is given by "getCurrentVectorSize". Throws an exception if "isContiguous" is false.
        Specified by:
        getStartOffset in interface ReadableVectorOffset
      • getOffsets

        public int[] getOffsets()
        Description copied from interface: ReadableVectorOffset
        If "isContiguous" is false, this method returns a batch of offsets. The array may be longer than the number of valid offsets, so callers need to check "getCurrentVectorSize" too. Throws an exception if "isContiguous" is true.
        Specified by:
        getOffsets in interface ReadableVectorOffset
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Description copied from interface: VectorOffset
        Resets the object back to its original state. Once this is done, iteration can begin anew.
        Specified by:
        reset in interface VectorOffset