Class IntegerPartitionChunk<T extends Overshadowable>

    • Constructor Detail

      • IntegerPartitionChunk

        public IntegerPartitionChunk​(Integer start,
                                     Integer end,
                                     int chunkNumber,
                                     T object)
    • Method Detail

      • getObject

        public T getObject()
        Description copied from interface: PartitionChunk
        Returns the payload, generally an object that can be used to perform some action against the shard.
        Specified by:
        getObject in interface PartitionChunk<T extends Overshadowable>
        the payload
      • abuts

        public boolean abuts​(PartitionChunk<T> chunk)
        Description copied from interface: PartitionChunk
        Determines if this PartitionChunk abuts another PartitionChunk. A sequence of abutting PartitionChunks should start with an object where isStart() == true and eventually end with an object where isEnd() == true.
        Specified by:
        abuts in interface PartitionChunk<T extends Overshadowable>
        chunk - input chunk
        true if this chunk abuts the input chunk
      • isStart

        public boolean isStart()
        Description copied from interface: PartitionChunk
        Returns true if this chunk is the beginning of the partition. Most commonly, that means it represents the range [-infinity, X) for some concrete X.
        Specified by:
        isStart in interface PartitionChunk<T extends Overshadowable>
        true if the chunk is the beginning of the partition
      • isEnd

        public boolean isEnd()
        Description copied from interface: PartitionChunk
        Returns true if this chunk is the end of the partition. Most commonly, that means it represents the range [X, infinity] for some concrete X.
        Specified by:
        isEnd in interface PartitionChunk<T extends Overshadowable>
        true if the chunk is the end of the partition
      • getChunkNumber

        public int getChunkNumber()
        Description copied from interface: PartitionChunk
        Returns the partition chunk number of this PartitionChunk. I.e. if there are 4 partitions in total and this is the 3rd partition, it will return 2
        Specified by:
        getChunkNumber in interface PartitionChunk<T extends Overshadowable>
        the sequential numerical id of this partition chunk
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object