Interface PartialShardSpec

    • Method Detail

      • complete

        ShardSpec complete​(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper,
                           int partitionId,
                           int numCorePartitions)
        Creates a new ShardSpec with given partitionId and numCorePartitions.
        objectMapper - jsonMapper used only for HashBasedNumberedShardSpec
        partitionId - partitionId of the shardSpec. must be carefully chosen to be unique in a time chunk
        numCorePartitions - the core partition set size. Should be set properly to determine if this segment belongs to the core partitions.
      • getShardSpecClass

        Class<? extends ShardSpec> getShardSpecClass()
        Returns the class of the shardSpec created by this factory.
      • useNonRootGenerationPartitionSpace

        default boolean useNonRootGenerationPartitionSpace()
        Returns true if this partialShardSpec needs a partitionId of a non-root generation. Any partialShardSpec to overwrite a subset of segments in a time chunk such as NumberedOverwritePartialShardSpec should return true.
        See Also: