类 DefaultGovernanceRuleRepositoryImpl

    • 构造器详细资料

      • DefaultGovernanceRuleRepositoryImpl

        public DefaultGovernanceRuleRepositoryImpl()
    • 方法详细资料

      • addListener

        public void addListener​(String key,
                                String group,
                                ConfigurationListener listener)
        从接口复制的说明: GovernanceRuleRepository
        Register a configuration listener for a specified key The listener only works for service governance purpose, so the target group would always be the value user specifies at startup or 'dubbo' by default. This method will only register listener, which means it will not trigger a notification that contains the current value.
        addListener 在接口中 GovernanceRuleRepository
        key - the key to represent a configuration
        group - the group where the key belongs to
        listener - configuration listener
      • getRule

        public String getRule​(String key,
                              String group,
                              long timeout)
                       throws IllegalStateException
        从接口复制的说明: GovernanceRuleRepository
        Get the governance rule mapped to the given key and the given group. If the rule fails to return after timeout exceeds, IllegalStateException will be thrown.
        getRule 在接口中 GovernanceRuleRepository
        key - the key to represent a configuration
        group - the group where the key belongs to
        timeout - timeout value for fetching the target config
        target configuration mapped to the given key and the given group, IllegalStateException will be thrown if timeout exceeds.