Interface BundleRevision

  • All Superinterfaces:
    BundleReference, Resource
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface BundleRevision
    extends BundleReference, Resource
    Bundle Revision. When a bundle is installed and each time a bundle is updated, a new bundle revision of the bundle is created. Since a bundle update can change the entries in a bundle, different bundle wirings for the same bundle can be associated with different bundle revisions.

    For a bundle that has not been uninstalled, the most recent bundle revision is defined to be the current bundle revision. A bundle in the UNINSTALLED state does not have a current revision. The current bundle revision for a bundle can be obtained by calling bundle.adapt (BundleRevision.class). Since a bundle in the UNINSTALLED state does not have a current revision, adapting such a bundle returns null.

    The framework defines namespaces for package, bundle and host capabilities and requirements. These namespaces are defined only to express wiring information by the framework. They must not be used in Provide-Capability and Require-Capability manifest headers.

    $Id: 0d0ae508d172eefe49c9c338e4d29ffd13500f0b $
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String PACKAGE_NAMESPACE
        Namespace for package capabilities and requirements.

        The name of the package is stored in the capability attribute of the same name as this namespace (osgi.wiring.package). The other directives and attributes of the package, from the Export-Package manifest header, can be found in the capability's directives and attributes. The version capability attribute must contain the Version of the package if one is specified or Version.emptyVersion if not specified. The bundle-symbolic-name capability attribute must contain the symbolic name of the provider if one is specified. The bundle-version capability attribute must contain the version of the provider if one is specified or Version.emptyVersion if not specified.

        The package capabilities provided by the system bundle, that is the bundle with id zero, must include the package specified by the Constants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES and Constants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA framework properties as well as any other package exported by the framework implementation.

        A bundle revision declares zero or more package capabilities (this is, exported packages) and declares zero or more package requirements.

        A bundle wiring provides zero or more resolved package capabilities (that is, exported packages) and requires zero or more resolved package requirements (that is, imported packages). The number of package wires required by a bundle wiring may change as the bundle wiring may dynamically import additional packages.

        See Also:
        PackageNamespace, Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String BUNDLE_NAMESPACE
        Namespace for bundle capabilities and requirements.

        The bundle symbolic name of the bundle is stored in the capability attribute of the same name as this namespace (osgi.wiring.bundle). The other directives and attributes of the bundle, from the Bundle-SymbolicName manifest header, can be found in the capability's directives and attributes. The bundle-version capability attribute must contain the Version of the bundle from the Bundle-Version manifest header if one is specified or Version.emptyVersion if not specified.

        A non-fragment revision declares exactly one bundle capability (that is, the bundle can be required by another bundle). A fragment revision must not declare a bundle capability.

        A bundle wiring for a non-fragment revision provides exactly one bundle capability (that is, the bundle can be required by another bundle) and requires zero or more bundle capabilities (that is, requires other bundles).

        † A bundle with no bundle symbolic name (that is, a bundle with Bundle-ManifestVersion < 2) must not provide a bundle capability.

        See Also:
        BundleNamespace, Constant Field Values

        static final int TYPE_FRAGMENT
        Bundle revision type indicating the bundle revision is a fragment.
        See Also:
        getTypes(), Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getSymbolicName

        java.lang.String getSymbolicName()
        Returns the symbolic name for this bundle revision.
        The symbolic name for this bundle revision.
        See Also:
      • getVersion

        Version getVersion()
        Returns the version for this bundle revision.
        The version for this bundle revision, or Version.emptyVersion if this bundle revision has no version information.
        See Also:
      • getDeclaredCapabilities

        java.util.List<BundleCapability> getDeclaredCapabilities​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Returns the capabilities declared by this bundle revision.
        namespace - The namespace of the declared capabilities to return or null to return the declared capabilities from all namespaces.
        An unmodifiable list containing the declared BundleCapabilitys from the specified namespace. The returned list will be empty if this bundle revision declares no capabilities in the specified namespace. The list contains the declared capabilities in the order they are specified in the manifest.
      • getDeclaredRequirements

        java.util.List<BundleRequirement> getDeclaredRequirements​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Returns the requirements declared by this bundle revision.
        namespace - The namespace of the declared requirements to return or null to return the declared requirements from all namespaces.
        An unmodifiable list containing the declared BundleRequirements from the specified namespace. The returned list will be empty if this bundle revision declares no requirements in the specified namespace. The list contains the declared requirements in the order they are specified in the manifest.
      • getTypes

        int getTypes()
        Returns the special types of this bundle revision. The bundle revision type values are: A bundle revision may be more than one type at a time. A type code is used to identify the bundle revision type for future extendability.

        If this bundle revision is not one or more of the defined types then 0 is returned.

        The special types of this bundle revision. The type values are ORed together.
      • getWiring

        BundleWiring getWiring()
        Returns the bundle wiring which is using this bundle revision.
        The bundle wiring which is using this bundle revision or null if no bundle wiring is using this bundle revision.
        See Also:
      • getCapabilities

        java.util.List<Capability> getCapabilities​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Returns the capabilities declared by this resource.

        This method returns the same value as getDeclaredCapabilities(String).

        Specified by:
        getCapabilities in interface Resource
        namespace - The namespace of the declared capabilities to return or null to return the declared capabilities from all namespaces.
        An unmodifiable list containing the declared Capabilitys from the specified namespace. The returned list will be empty if this resource declares no capabilities in the specified namespace.
      • getRequirements

        java.util.List<Requirement> getRequirements​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Returns the requirements declared by this bundle resource.

        This method returns the same value as getDeclaredRequirements(String).

        Specified by:
        getRequirements in interface Resource
        namespace - The namespace of the declared requirements to return or null to return the declared requirements from all namespaces.
        An unmodifiable list containing the declared Requirement s from the specified namespace. The returned list will be empty if this resource declares no requirements in the specified namespace.