Class FilterRegistry

  • public final class FilterRegistry
    extends Object
    The filter registry keeps track of all filter mappings for a single servlet context.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FilterRegistry

        public FilterRegistry()
    • Method Detail

      • addFilter

        public void addFilter​(@NotNull
                              @NotNull FilterHandler handler)
        Add a filter.
        handler - The handler for the filter
      • removeFilter

        public void removeFilter​(@NotNull
                                 @NotNull FilterInfo filterInfo,
                                 boolean destroy)
        Remove a filter
        filterInfo - The filter info
        destroy - boolean flag indicating whether to call destroy on the filter.
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup()
      • getFilterHandlers

        public @NotNull FilterHandler[] getFilterHandlers​(@Nullable
                                                          @Nullable ServletHandler handler,
                                                          @NotNull jakarta.servlet.DispatcherType dispatcherType,
                                                          @NotNull String requestURI)
        Get all filters handling the request. Filters are applied to the url and/or the servlet
        handler - Optional servlet handler
        dispatcherType - The dispatcher type
        requestURI - The request uri
        The array of filter handlers, might be empty.
      • getRuntimeInfo

        public void getRuntimeInfo​(org.osgi.service.servlet.runtime.dto.ServletContextDTO servletContextDTO,
                                   Collection<org.osgi.service.servlet.runtime.dto.FailedFilterDTO> failedFilterDTOs)
        Get the runtime information about filters
        servletContextDTO - The servlet context DTO
        failedFilterDTOs - The collection holding the failed filters.