Class CapabilitiesProvidedInfoProvider

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName​(Locale locale)
        Description copied from interface: BundleInfoProvider
        Gets the name of the bundle info provider as localized string.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface BundleInfoProvider
        locale - the locale in which the name should be returned
        the name of the bundle info provider.
      • getBundleInfo

        public BundleInfo[] getBundleInfo​(org.osgi.framework.Bundle bundle,
                                          String webConsoleRoot,
                                          Locale locale)
        Description copied from interface: BundleInfoProvider
        Gets the associated bundle information with the specified bundle (by it's ID) The Service may also be called outside through the new Inventory bundle due to mapping the BundlesServlet to an InventoryPrinter and for example calling it from a Gogo Shell. In this case the webConsoleRoot parameter will be null a BundleInfo objects of type BundleInfoType.LINK must not be generated.
        Specified by:
        getBundleInfo in interface BundleInfoProvider
        bundle - the bundle, for which additional information is requested.
        webConsoleRoot - the root alias of the web console itself or null if this method is not called through the Web Console itself.
        locale - the locale in which the key-value pair should be returned.
        array of available BundleInfo or empty array if none.