Class ServletConstants

  • public abstract class ServletConstants
    extends Object
    Constants for servlets registered with the web console.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String ATTR_APP_ROOT
      The name of the request attribute providing the absolute path of the Web Console root (value is "felix.webconsole.appRoot").
      static String ATTR_CONFIGURATION
      The name of the request attribute holding the configuration params Map for the request (value is "felix.webconsole.configuration").
      static String ATTR_PLUGIN_ROOT
      The name of the request attribute providing the absolute path of the current plugin (value is "felix.webconsole.pluginRoot").
      static String PLUGIN_CATEGORY
      The category under which the servlet is listed in the top navigation by the web console (value is "felix.webconsole.category").
      static String PLUGIN_CSS_REFERENCES
      The name of the service registration properties providing references to addition CSS files that should be loaded when rendering the header for a registered plugin.
      static String PLUGIN_LABEL
      The URI address label under which the servlet is called by the web console (value is "felix.webconsole.label").
      static String PLUGIN_TITLE
      The title under which the servlet is called by the web console (value is "felix.webconsole.title").
    • Field Detail


        public static final String PLUGIN_LABEL
        The URI address label under which the servlet is called by the web console (value is "felix.webconsole.label").

        This service registration property must be set to a single non-empty String value. Otherwise the Servlet services will be ignored by the web console and not be used as a plugin.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PLUGIN_TITLE
        The title under which the servlet is called by the web console (value is "felix.webconsole.title").

        This property is required for the service to be used as a plugin. Otherwise the service is just ignored by the web console.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PLUGIN_CATEGORY
        The category under which the servlet is listed in the top navigation by the web console (value is "felix.webconsole.category").

        If not specified, the servlet is put into the default category.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PLUGIN_CSS_REFERENCES
        The name of the service registration properties providing references to addition CSS files that should be loaded when rendering the header for a registered plugin.

        This property is expected to be a single string value, array of string values or a Collection (or Vector) of string values.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String ATTR_APP_ROOT
        The name of the request attribute providing the absolute path of the Web Console root (value is "felix.webconsole.appRoot"). This consists of the servlet context path (from HttpServletRequest.getContextPath()) and the Web Console servlet path (from HttpServletRequest.getServletPath(), /system/console by default).

        The type of this request attribute is String.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String ATTR_PLUGIN_ROOT
        The name of the request attribute providing the absolute path of the current plugin (value is "felix.webconsole.pluginRoot"). This consists of the servlet context path (from ServletRequest.getContextPath()), the configured path of the web console root (/system/console by default) and the plugin label PLUGIN_LABEL.

        The type of this request attribute is String.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String ATTR_CONFIGURATION
        The name of the request attribute holding the configuration params Map for the request (value is "felix.webconsole.configuration").

        The type of this request attribute is Map<String, Object>.

        This map contains the web console configuration params managed by the web console. It can be used to access to the configuration values while processing requests.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServletConstants

        public ServletConstants()