Class IvyReport

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class IvyReport
    extends IvyTask
    This ant task let users generates reports (html, xml, graphml, ...) from the last resolve done.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IvyReport

        public IvyReport()
    • Method Detail

      • getTodir

        public getTodir()
      • setTodir

        public void setTodir​( todir)
      • setCache

        public void setCache​( cache)
      • getConf

        public java.lang.String getConf()
      • setConf

        public void setConf​(java.lang.String conf)
      • getModule

        public java.lang.String getModule()
      • setModule

        public void setModule​(java.lang.String module)
      • getOrganisation

        public java.lang.String getOrganisation()
      • setOrganisation

        public void setOrganisation​(java.lang.String organisation)
      • isGraph

        public boolean isGraph()
      • setGraph

        public void setGraph​(boolean graph)
      • getXslfile

        public getXslfile()
      • setXslfile

        public void setXslfile​( xslFile)
      • getOutputpattern

        public java.lang.String getOutputpattern()
      • setOutputpattern

        public void setOutputpattern​(java.lang.String outputpattern)
      • getResolveId

        public java.lang.String getResolveId()
      • setResolveId

        public void setResolveId​(java.lang.String resolveId)
      • doExecute

        public void doExecute()
        Description copied from class: IvyTask
        The real logic of task execution after project has been set in the context. MUST be implemented by subclasses
        Specified by:
        doExecute in class IvyTask
        Throws: - if something goes wrong
      • isXml

        public boolean isXml()
      • setXml

        public void setXml​(boolean xml)
      • isXsl

        public boolean isXsl()
      • setXsl

        public void setXsl​(boolean xsl)
      • getXslext

        public java.lang.String getXslext()
      • setXslext

        public void setXslext​(java.lang.String xslext)
      • createParam

        public createParam()
      • isDot

        public boolean isDot()
      • setDot

        public void setDot​(boolean dot)