Class MSSqlDatabaseJournal

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Journal, org.apache.jackrabbit.core.util.db.DatabaseAware

    public class MSSqlDatabaseJournal
    extends DatabaseJournal
    It has the following property in addition to those of the DatabaseJournal:
    • tableSpace: the MS SQL tablespace to use
    • Field Detail

      • tableSpace

        protected String tableSpace
        the MS SQL table space to use
    • Constructor Detail

      • MSSqlDatabaseJournal

        public MSSqlDatabaseJournal()
        Initialize this instance with the default schema and driver values.
    • Method Detail

      • getTableSpace

        public String getTableSpace()
        Returns the configured MS SQL table space.
        the configured MS SQL table space.
      • setTableSpace

        public void setTableSpace​(String tableSpace)
        Sets the MS SQL table space.
        tableSpace - the MS SQL table space.