Class QueryResultImpl

    • Field Detail

      • index

        protected final SearchIndex index
        The search index to execute the query.
      • sessionContext

        protected final SessionContext sessionContext
        Component context of the current session
      • queryImpl

        protected final AbstractQueryImpl queryImpl
        The query instance which created this query result.
      • spellSuggestion

        protected final org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.SpellSuggestion spellSuggestion
        The spell suggestion or null if not available.
      • columns

        protected final Map<String,​org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom.ColumnImpl> columns
        The columns to select.
      • docOrder

        protected final boolean docOrder
        If true nodes are returned in document order.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueryResultImpl

        public QueryResultImpl​(SearchIndex index,
                               SessionContext sessionContext,
                               AbstractQueryImpl queryImpl,
                               org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.SpellSuggestion spellSuggestion,
                               org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom.ColumnImpl[] columns,
                               boolean documentOrder,
                               long offset,
                               long limit)
                        throws RepositoryException
        Creates a new query result. The concrete sub class is responsible for calling getResults(long) after this constructor had been called.
        index - the search index where the query is executed.
        sessionContext - component context of the current session
        queryImpl - the query instance which created this query result.
        spellSuggestion - the spell suggestion or null if none is available.
        columns - the select properties of the query.
        documentOrder - if true the result is returned in document order.
        limit - the maximum result size
        offset - the offset in the total result set
        RepositoryException - if an error occurs while reading from the repository.
        IllegalArgumentException - if any of the columns does not have a column name.