Class ConstraintBuilder

  • public class ConstraintBuilder
    extends Object
    ConstraintBuilder builds a Constraint from a tree of QOM constraints.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConstraintBuilder

        public ConstraintBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static Constraint create​(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom.ConstraintImpl constraint,
                                        Map<String,​Value> bindVariableValues,
                                        org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom.SelectorImpl[] selectors,
                                        LuceneQueryFactory factory,
                                        ValueFactory vf)
                                 throws RepositoryException
        Creates a Constraint from a QOM constraint.
        constraint - the QOM constraint.
        bindVariableValues - the map of bind variables and their respective value.
        selectors - the selectors of the current query.
        factory - the lucene query factory.
        vf - the value factory of the current session.
        a Constraint.
        RepositoryException - if an error occurs while building the constraint.