Interface PropertyHandler

    • Method Detail

      • canExport

        boolean canExport​(PropertyExportContext context,
                          boolean isCollection)
        Returns true, if this handler can run a successful export based on the specified context.
        context -
        isCollection -
        true if this PropertyHandler is export properties given the specified parameters.
      • canImport

        boolean canImport​(PropertyImportContext context,
                          boolean isCollection)
        Returns true, if this handler can run a property import based on the specified context.
        context -
        isCollection -
        true if this PropertyHandler can import properties given the specified parameters.
      • importProperties

        Map<? extends,​?> importProperties​(PropertyImportContext importContext,
                                                                                                boolean isCollection)
                                                                                         throws RepositoryException
        Imports, modifies or removes properties according the the change list available from the import context. Note, that according to JSR 170 setting a property value to null is equivalent to its removal.

        The return value of this method must be used to provided detailed information about any kind of failures.

        importContext -
        isCollection -
        Map listing those properties that failed to be updated. An empty map indicates a successful import for all properties listed in the context.
        RepositoryException - If canImport(PropertyImportContext, boolean) returns false for the given parameters or if some other unrecoverable error occurred. Note, that normal failure of a property update must be reported with the return value and should not result in an exception.