Class CompositeCredentialsSupport

    • Method Detail

      • getUserId

        public @Nullable String getUserId​(@NotNull
                                          @NotNull javax.jcr.Credentials credentials)
        Description copied from interface: CredentialsSupport
        Retrieves the user identifier from the specified Credentials. If the specified credentials are not supported or don't contain any user id information this method will return null.
        Specified by:
        getUserId in interface CredentialsSupport
        credentials - The credentials as passed to the repository login.
        The user id present in the given Credentials or null.
      • getAttributes

        public @NotNull Map<String,​?> getAttributes​(@NotNull
                                                          @NotNull javax.jcr.Credentials credentials)
        Description copied from interface: CredentialsSupport
        Obtains the attributes as present with the specified Credentials. If the specified credentials are not supported or don't contain any attributes this method will return an empty Map.
        Specified by:
        getAttributes in interface CredentialsSupport
        credentials - The credentials as passed to the repository login.
        The credential attributes or an empty Map.
      • setAttributes

        public boolean setAttributes​(@NotNull
                                     @NotNull javax.jcr.Credentials credentials,
                                     @NotNull Map<String,​?> attributes)
        Description copied from interface: CredentialsSupport
        Writes the attributes to the specified Credentials. If the specified credentials are not supported or doesn't allow to write attributes this method will return false.
        Specified by:
        setAttributes in interface CredentialsSupport
        credentials - The credentials as passed to the repository login.
        attributes - The attributes to be written to the given credentials.
        true, if the attributes were set; false otherwise.