Class PropInfo

  • public class PropInfo
    extends Object
    Information about a property being imported. This class is used by the XML import handlers to pass the parsed property information to the import process.

    In addition to carrying the actual property data, instances of this class also know how to apply that data when imported either to a Node instance through a session or directly to a Tree instance on the oak level.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PropInfo

        public PropInfo​(@Nullable
                        @Nullable String name,
                        int type,
                        @NotNull TextValue value)
        Creates a property information instance.
        name - name of the property being imported
        type - type of the property being imported
        value - value of the property being imported
      • PropInfo

        public PropInfo​(@Nullable
                        @Nullable String name,
                        int type,
                        @NotNull List<? extends TextValue> values)
        Creates a property information instance.
        name - name of the property being imported
        type - type of the property being imported
        values - value(s) of the property being imported
      • PropInfo

        public PropInfo​(@Nullable
                        @Nullable String name,
                        int type,
                        @NotNull List<? extends TextValue> values,
                        @NotNull PropInfo.MultipleStatus multipleStatus)
        Creates a property information instance.
        name - name of the property being imported
        type - type of the property being imported
        values - value(s) of the property being imported
        multipleStatus - Hint indicating whether the property is
    • Method Detail

      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Disposes all values contained in this property.
      • getTargetType

        public int getTargetType​(javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition def)
      • getName

        public @Nullable String getName()
      • getType

        public int getType()
      • isUnknownMultiple

        public boolean isUnknownMultiple()
      • getTextValue

        public @NotNull TextValue getTextValue()
                                        throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
      • getTextValues

        public @NotNull List<? extends TextValue> getTextValues()
      • getValue

        public @NotNull javax.jcr.Value getValue​(int targetType)
                                          throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
      • getValues

        public @NotNull List<javax.jcr.Value> getValues​(int targetType)
                                                 throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
      • asPropertyState

        public org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.PropertyState asPropertyState​(@NotNull
                                                                           @NotNull javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
                                                                    throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException