Class ReferenceChangeTracker

  • public class ReferenceChangeTracker
    extends Object
    Helper class used to keep track of uuid mappings (e.g. if the uuid of an imported or copied node is mapped to a new uuid) and processed (e.g. imported or copied) reference properties that might need to be adjusted depending on the UUID mapping resulting from the import.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReferenceChangeTracker

        public ReferenceChangeTracker()
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public String get​(String oldUUID)
        Returns the new node id to which oldUUID has been mapped or null if no such mapping exists.
        oldUUID - old node id
        mapped new id or null if no such mapping exists
        See Also:
        put(String, String)
      • put

        public void put​(String oldUUID,
                        String newUUID)
        Store the given id mapping for later lookup using get(String).
        oldUUID - old node id
        newUUID - new node id
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Resets all internal state.
      • processedReference

        public void processedReference​(Object refProp)
        Store the given reference property for later retrieval using getProcessedReferences().
        refProp - reference property
      • getProcessedReferences

        public Iterator<Object> getProcessedReferences()
        Returns an iterator over all processed reference properties.
        an iterator over all processed reference properties
        See Also:
      • removeReferences

        public boolean removeReferences​(List<Object> processedReferences)
        Remove the given references that have already been processed from the references list.
        processedReferences -
        true if the internal list of references changed.