Class AbstractRestrictionProvider

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getSupportedRestrictions

        public @NotNull Set<RestrictionDefinition> getSupportedRestrictions​(String oakPath)
        Description copied from interface: RestrictionProvider
        Returns the restriction definitions supported by this provider implementation at the specified path.
        Specified by:
        getSupportedRestrictions in interface RestrictionProvider
        oakPath - The path of the access controlled tree. A null path indicates that the supported restrictions for repository level policies should be returned.
        The set of supported restrictions at the given path.
      • createRestriction

        public @NotNull Restriction createRestriction​(String oakPath,
                                                      @NotNull String oakName,
                                                      @NotNull Value value)
                                               throws RepositoryException
        Description copied from interface: RestrictionProvider
        Creates a new single valued restriction for the specified parameters.
        Specified by:
        createRestriction in interface RestrictionProvider
        oakPath - The path of the access controlled tree or null if the target policies applies to the repository level.
        oakName - The name of the restriction.
        value - The value of the restriction.
        A new restriction instance.
        AccessControlException - If no matching restriction definition exists for the specified parameters.
        RepositoryException - If another error occurs.
      • createRestriction

        public @NotNull Restriction createRestriction​(String oakPath,
                                                      @NotNull String oakName,
                                                      @NotNull Value... values)
                                               throws RepositoryException
        Description copied from interface: RestrictionProvider
        Creates a new multi valued restriction for the specified parameters.
        Specified by:
        createRestriction in interface RestrictionProvider
        oakPath - The path of the access controlled tree or null if the target policies applies to the repository level.
        oakName - The name of the restriction.
        values - The values of the restriction.
        A new restriction instance.
        AccessControlException - If no matching restriction definition exists for the specified parameters.
        RepositoryException - If another error occurs.
      • readRestrictions

        public @NotNull Set<Restriction> readRestrictions​(String oakPath,
                                                          @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Tree aceTree)
        Description copied from interface: RestrictionProvider
        Read the valid restrictions stored in the specified ACE tree.
        Specified by:
        readRestrictions in interface RestrictionProvider
        oakPath - The path of the access controlled tree or null if the target policies applies to the repository level.
        aceTree - The tree corresponding to an ACE that may contain restrictions.
        The valid restrictions stored with the specified tree or an empty set.
      • validateRestrictions

        public void validateRestrictions​(String oakPath,
                                         @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Tree aceTree)
                                  throws AccessControlException
        Description copied from interface: RestrictionProvider
        Validate the restrictions present with the specified ACE tree.
        Specified by:
        validateRestrictions in interface RestrictionProvider
        oakPath - The path of the access controlled tree or null if the target policies applies to the repository level.
        aceTree - The tree corresponding to an ACE.
        AccessControlException - If any invalid restrictions are detected.
      • isUnsupportedPath

        protected boolean isUnsupportedPath​(@Nullable
                                            @Nullable String oakPath)
        Returns true if the specified path is null. Subclasses may change the default behavior.
        oakPath - The path for which a restriction is being created.
        true if this implementation can create restrictions for the specified oakPath; false otherwise.
      • getRestrictionsTree

        protected @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Tree getRestrictionsTree​(@NotNull
                                                                                  @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Tree aceTree)
        Returns the tree that contains the restriction of the specified ACE tree.
        aceTree - The ACE tree for which the restrictions are being read.
        The tree storing the restriction information.