Interface PrincipalQueryManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PrincipalQueryManager
    Extension for the PrincipalManager that offers range search.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      @NotNull findPrincipals​(@Nullable String simpleFilter, boolean fullText, int searchType, long offset, long limit)
      Gets the principals matching a simple filter expression applied against the principal name AND the specified search type.
    • Method Detail

      • findPrincipals

        @NotNull findPrincipals​(@Nullable
                                                                                               @Nullable String simpleFilter,
                                                                                               boolean fullText,
                                                                                               int searchType,
                                                                                               long offset,
                                                                                               long limit)
        Gets the principals matching a simple filter expression applied against the principal name AND the specified search type. Results are expected to be sorted by the principal name. An implementation may limit the number of principals returned. If there are no matching principals, an empty iterator is returned.
        simpleFilter -
        fullText -
        searchType - Any of the following constants:
        • PrincipalManager.SEARCH_TYPE_ALL
        • PrincipalManager.SEARCH_TYPE_GROUP
        • PrincipalManager.SEARCH_TYPE_NOT_GROUP
        offset - Offset from where to start returning results. 0 for no offset.
        limit - Maximal number of results to return. -1 for no limit.
        a PrincipalIterator over the Principals matching the given filter and search type.