Class AbstractLoginModule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class AbstractLoginModule
    extends java.lang.Object
    Abstract implementation of the LoginModule interface that can act as base class for login modules that aim to authenticate subjects against information stored in the content repository.

    LoginModule Methods

    This base class provides a simple implementation for the following methods of the LoginModule interface:

    • Initialize: Initialization of this abstract module sets the following protected instance fields:
      • subject: The subject to be authenticated,
      • callbackHandler: The callback handler passed to the login module,
      • shareState: The map used to share state information with other login modules,
      • options: The configuration options of this login module as specified in the Configuration.
    • Logout: If the authenticated subject is not empty this logout implementation attempts to clear both principals and public credentials and returns true.
    • Abort: Clears the state of this login module by setting all private instance variables created in phase 1 or 2 to null. Subclasses are in charge of releasing their own state information by either overriding clearState().

    Utility Methods

    The following methods are provided in addition:

    • clearState(): Clears all private state information that has be created during login. This method in called in abort() and subclasses are expected to override this method.
    • getSupportedCredentials(): Abstract method used by getCredentials() that reveals which credential implementations are supported by the LoginModule.
    • getCredentials(): Tries to retrieve valid (supported) Credentials in the following order:
      1. using a CredentialsCallback,
      2. looking for a SHARED_KEY_CREDENTIALS entry in the shared state (see also getSharedCredentials() and finally by
      3. searching for valid credentials in the subject.
    • getSharedCredentials(): This method returns credentials passed to the login module with the share state. The key to share credentials with a another module extending from this base class is SHARED_KEY_CREDENTIALS. Note, that this method does not verify if the credentials provided by the shared state are supported.
    • getSharedLoginName(): If the shared state contains an entry for SHARED_KEY_LOGIN_NAME this method returns the value as login name.
    • getSecurityProvider(): Returns the configured security provider or null.
    • getRoot(): Provides access to the latest state of the repository in order to retrieve user or principal information required to authenticate the subject as well as to write back information during LoginModule.commit().
    • getUserManager(): Returns an instance of the configured UserManager or null.
    • getPrincipalProvider(): Returns an instance of the configured principal provider or null.
    • getPrincipals(String): Utility that returns all principals associated with a given user id. This method might be be called after successful authentication in order to be able to populate the subject during LoginModule.commit(). The implementation is a shortcut for calling getPrincipals(String userId on the provider exposed by getPrincipalProvider()
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected callbackHandler  
      protected ConfigurationParameters options  
      static java.lang.String SHARED_KEY_ATTRIBUTES
      Key of the sharedState entry referring to public attributes that are shared between multiple login modules.
      static java.lang.String SHARED_KEY_CREDENTIALS
      Key of the sharedState entry referring to validated Credentials that is shared between multiple login modules.
      static java.lang.String SHARED_KEY_LOGIN_NAME
      Key of the sharedState entry referring to a valid login ID that is shared between multiple login modules.
      static java.lang.String SHARED_KEY_PRE_AUTH_LOGIN
      Key of the sharedState entry referring to pre authenticated login information that is shared between multiple login modules.
      protected java.util.Map sharedState  
      protected subject  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean abort()  
      protected void clearState()
      Clear state information that has been created during LoginModule.login().
      protected void closeSystemSession()
      Close the system session acquired upon getRoot() and reset the associated root field.
      protected @Nullable javax.jcr.Credentials getCredentials()
      Tries to retrieve valid (supported) Credentials: using a CredentialsCallback, looking for a SHARED_KEY_CREDENTIALS entry in the shared state (see also getSharedCredentials() and finally by searching for valid credentials in the subject.
      protected @NotNull LoginModuleMonitor getLoginModuleMonitor()  
      protected @Nullable PrincipalProvider getPrincipalProvider()
      Retrieves the PrincipalProvider that should be used to handle this authentication.
      protected @NotNull java.util.Set<? extends> getPrincipals​(@NotNull java.lang.String userId)
      Retrieves all principals associated with the specified userId for the configured principal provider.
      protected @NotNull java.util.Set<? extends> getPrincipals​(@NotNull userPrincipal)  
      protected @Nullable org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Root getRoot()
      Tries to obtain a Root object from the callback handler using a new RepositoryCallback and keeps the value as private field.
      protected @Nullable SecurityProvider getSecurityProvider()
      Tries to obtain the SecurityProvider object from the callback handler using a new SecurityProviderCallback and keeps the value as private field.
      protected @Nullable javax.jcr.Credentials getSharedCredentials()  
      protected @Nullable java.lang.String getSharedLoginName()  
      protected @Nullable PreAuthenticatedLogin getSharedPreAuthLogin()  
      protected abstract @NotNull java.util.Set<java.lang.Class> getSupportedCredentials()  
      protected @Nullable getUserManager()
      Retrieves the UserManager that should be used to handle this authentication.
      protected @Nullable org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.whiteboard.Whiteboard getWhiteboard()
      Tries to obtain the Whiteboard object from the callback handler using a new WhiteboardCallback and keeps the value as private field.
      void initialize​( subject, callbackHandler, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> sharedState, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> options)  
      boolean logout()
      Besteffort default implementation of LoginModule.logout(), which removes all principals and all public credentials of type Credentials and AuthInfo from the subject.
      protected boolean logout​(@Nullable java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> credentials, @Nullable java.util.Set<? extends> principals)
      General logout-helper that will return false if both credentials and principals are null.
      protected void onError()  
      protected static void setAuthInfo​(@NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.AuthInfo authInfo, @NotNull subject)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface

        commit, login
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String SHARED_KEY_CREDENTIALS
        Key of the sharedState entry referring to validated Credentials that is shared between multiple login modules.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SHARED_KEY_LOGIN_NAME
        Key of the sharedState entry referring to a valid login ID that is shared between multiple login modules.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SHARED_KEY_ATTRIBUTES
        Key of the sharedState entry referring to public attributes that are shared between multiple login modules.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SHARED_KEY_PRE_AUTH_LOGIN
        Key of the sharedState entry referring to pre authenticated login information that is shared between multiple login modules.
      • subject

        protected subject
      • callbackHandler

        protected callbackHandler
      • sharedState

        protected java.util.Map sharedState
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractLoginModule

        public AbstractLoginModule()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize​( subject,
                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> sharedState,
                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> options)
        Specified by:
        initialize in interface
      • logout

        public boolean logout()
        Besteffort default implementation of LoginModule.logout(), which removes all principals and all public credentials of type Credentials and AuthInfo from the subject. It will return false, if either principal set or credentials set is empty. Note, that this implementation is not able to only remove those principals/credentials that have been added by this very login module instance. Therefore subclasses should overwrite this method to provide a fully compliant solution of logout(). They may however take advantage of logout(Set, Set) in order to simplify the implementation of a logout that is compatible with the LoginModule.logout() contract incorporating the additional recommendations highlighted at JAAS LoginModule Dev Guide
        Specified by:
        logout in interface
        true if neither principals nor public credentials of type Credentials or AuthInfo stored in the Subject are empty; false otherwise
        Throws: - if the subject is readonly and destroying Destroyable credentials fails with DestroyFailedException.
      • abort

        public boolean abort()
        Specified by:
        abort in interface
      • clearState

        protected void clearState()
        Clear state information that has been created during LoginModule.login().
      • closeSystemSession

        protected void closeSystemSession()
        Close the system session acquired upon getRoot() and reset the associated root field. This method should be used instead of clearState(), if LoginModule.login() and LoginModule.commit() were successfully completed but the system session is not needed for a successful logout()
      • logout

        protected boolean logout​(@Nullable
                                 @Nullable java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> credentials,
                                 @Nullable java.util.Set<? extends> principals)
        General logout-helper that will return false if both credentials and principals are null. Note, that this implementation will only throw LoginException if the subject is marked readonly and destroying Destroyable credentials fails.
        credentials - The set of credentials extracted by this instance during login/commit to be removed from Subject.getPublicCredentials()
        principals - A set of principals extracted by this instance during login/commit to be removed from Subject.getPrincipals()
        true if either the credential set or the principal set is not null, false otherwise.
        Throws: - If the subject is readonly and an error occurs while destroying any of the given credentials.
        See Also:
      • getSupportedCredentials

        protected abstract @NotNull java.util.Set<java.lang.Class> getSupportedCredentials()
        A set of supported credential classes.
      • getCredentials

        protected @Nullable javax.jcr.Credentials getCredentials()
        Tries to retrieve valid (supported) Credentials:
        1. using a CredentialsCallback,
        2. looking for a SHARED_KEY_CREDENTIALS entry in the shared state (see also getSharedCredentials() and finally by
        3. searching for valid credentials in the subject.
        Valid (supported) credentials or null.
      • getSharedCredentials

        protected @Nullable javax.jcr.Credentials getSharedCredentials()
        The credentials passed to this login module with the shared state.
        See Also:
      • getSharedLoginName

        protected @Nullable java.lang.String getSharedLoginName()
        The login name passed to this login module with the shared state.
        See Also:
      • getSecurityProvider

        protected @Nullable SecurityProvider getSecurityProvider()
        Tries to obtain the SecurityProvider object from the callback handler using a new SecurityProviderCallback and keeps the value as private field. If the callback handler isn't able to handle the SecurityProviderCallback this method returns null.
        The SecurityProvider associated with this LoginModule or null.
      • getWhiteboard

        protected @Nullable org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.whiteboard.Whiteboard getWhiteboard()
        Tries to obtain the Whiteboard object from the callback handler using a new WhiteboardCallback and keeps the value as private field. If the callback handler isn't able to handle the WhiteboardCallback this method returns null.
        The Whiteboard associated with this LoginModule or null.
      • getRoot

        protected @Nullable org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Root getRoot()
        Tries to obtain a Root object from the callback handler using a new RepositoryCallback and keeps the value as private field. If the callback handler isn't able to handle the RepositoryCallback this method returns null.
        The Root associated with this LoginModule or null.
      • getUserManager

        protected @Nullable getUserManager()
        Retrieves the UserManager that should be used to handle this authentication. If no user manager has been configure this method returns null.
        A instance of UserManager or null.
      • getPrincipalProvider

        protected @Nullable PrincipalProvider getPrincipalProvider()
        Retrieves the PrincipalProvider that should be used to handle this authentication. If no principal provider has been configure this method returns null.
        A instance of PrincipalProvider or null.
      • getPrincipals

        protected @NotNull java.util.Set<? extends> getPrincipals​(@NotNull
                                                                                          @NotNull java.lang.String userId)
        Retrieves all principals associated with the specified userId for the configured principal provider.
        userId - The id of the user.
        The set of principals associated with the given userId.
        See Also:
      • getPrincipals

        protected @NotNull java.util.Set<? extends> getPrincipals​(@NotNull
                                                                                          @NotNull userPrincipal)
      • setAuthInfo

        protected static void setAuthInfo​(@NotNull
                                          @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.AuthInfo authInfo,
                                          @NotNull subject)
      • getLoginModuleMonitor

        protected @NotNull LoginModuleMonitor getLoginModuleMonitor()
      • onError

        protected void onError()