Class ProxyNodeStore

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class ProxyNodeStore
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements NodeStore
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String checkpoint​(long lifetime)
      Creates a new checkpoint of the latest root of the tree.
      @NotNull java.lang.String checkpoint​(long lifetime, @NotNull java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> properties)
      Creates a new checkpoint of the latest root of the tree.
      @NotNull java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> checkpointInfo​(@NotNull java.lang.String checkpoint)
      Retrieve the properties associated with a checkpoint.
      @NotNull java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> checkpoints()
      Returns all valid checkpoints.
      org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Blob createBlob​( inputStream)
      Create a Blob from the given input stream.
      org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Blob getBlob​(@NotNull java.lang.String reference)
      Get a blob by its reference.
      protected abstract NodeStore getNodeStore()  
      NodeState getRoot()
      Returns the latest state of the tree.
      NodeState merge​(NodeBuilder builder, CommitHook commitHook, CommitInfo info)
      Merges the changes between the base and head states of the given builder to this store.
      NodeState rebase​(NodeBuilder builder)
      Rebases the changes between the base and head states of the given builder on top of the current root state.
      boolean release​(java.lang.String checkpoint)
      Releases the provided checkpoint.
      NodeState reset​(NodeBuilder builder)
      Reset the passed builder by throwing away all its changes and setting its base state to the current root state.
      NodeState retrieve​(java.lang.String checkpoint)
      Retrieves the root node from a previously created repository checkpoint.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProxyNodeStore

        public ProxyNodeStore()
    • Method Detail

      • getNodeStore

        protected abstract NodeStore getNodeStore()
      • getRoot

        public NodeState getRoot()
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Returns the latest state of the tree.
        Specified by:
        getRoot in interface NodeStore
        root node state
      • merge

        public NodeState merge​(NodeBuilder builder,
                               CommitHook commitHook,
                               CommitInfo info)
                        throws org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.CommitFailedException
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Merges the changes between the base and head states of the given builder to this store.
        Specified by:
        merge in interface NodeStore
        builder - the builder whose changes to apply
        commitHook - the commit hook to apply while merging changes
        info - commit info associated with this merge operation
        the node state resulting from the merge.
        org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.CommitFailedException - if the merge failed
      • rebase

        public NodeState rebase​(NodeBuilder builder)
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Rebases the changes between the base and head states of the given builder on top of the current root state. The base state of the given builder becomes the latest root state of the repository, and the head state will contain the rebased changes.
        Specified by:
        rebase in interface NodeStore
        builder - the builder to rebase
        the node state resulting from the rebase.
      • reset

        public NodeState reset​(NodeBuilder builder)
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Reset the passed builder by throwing away all its changes and setting its base state to the current root state.
        Specified by:
        reset in interface NodeStore
        builder - the builder to reset
        the node state resulting from the reset.
      • createBlob

        public org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Blob createBlob​( inputStream)
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Create a Blob from the given input stream. The input stream is closed after this method returns.
        Specified by:
        createBlob in interface NodeStore
        inputStream - The input stream for the Blob
        The Blob representing inputStream
        Throws: - If an error occurs while reading from the stream
      • getBlob

        public org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Blob getBlob​(@NotNull
                                                          @NotNull java.lang.String reference)
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Get a blob by its reference.
        Specified by:
        getBlob in interface NodeStore
        reference - reference to the blob
        blob or null if the reference does not resolve to a blob.
        See Also:
      • checkpoint

        public @NotNull java.lang.String checkpoint​(long lifetime,
                                                    @NotNull java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> properties)
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Creates a new checkpoint of the latest root of the tree. The checkpoint remains valid for at least as long as requested and allows that state of the repository to be retrieved using the returned opaque string reference.

        The properties passed to this methods are associated with the checkpoint and can be retrieved through the NodeStore.checkpointInfo(String) method. Its semantics is entirely application specific.

        Specified by:
        checkpoint in interface NodeStore
        lifetime - time (in milliseconds, > 0) that the checkpoint should remain available
        properties - properties to associate with the checkpoint
        string reference of this checkpoint
      • checkpoint

        public java.lang.String checkpoint​(long lifetime)
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Creates a new checkpoint of the latest root of the tree. The checkpoint remains valid for at least as long as requested and allows that state of the repository to be retrieved using the returned opaque string reference.

        This method is a shortcut for NodeStore.checkpoint(long, Map) passing an empty map for its 2nd argument.

        Specified by:
        checkpoint in interface NodeStore
        lifetime - time (in milliseconds, > 0) that the checkpoint should remain available
        string reference of this checkpoint
      • checkpointInfo

        public @NotNull java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> checkpointInfo​(@NotNull
                                                                                              @NotNull java.lang.String checkpoint)
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Retrieve the properties associated with a checkpoint.
        Specified by:
        checkpointInfo in interface NodeStore
        checkpoint - string reference of a checkpoint
        the properties associated with the checkpoint referenced by checkpoint or an empty map when there is no such checkpoint.
      • checkpoints

        public @NotNull java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> checkpoints()
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Returns all valid checkpoints. The returned Iterable provides a snapshot of valid checkpoints at the time this method is called. That is, the Iterable will not reflect checkpoints created after this method was called.

        See NodeStore.checkpoint(long, Map) for a definition of a valid checkpoint.

        Specified by:
        checkpoints in interface NodeStore
        valid checkpoints.
      • retrieve

        public NodeState retrieve​(java.lang.String checkpoint)
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Retrieves the root node from a previously created repository checkpoint.
        Specified by:
        retrieve in interface NodeStore
        checkpoint - string reference of a checkpoint
        the root node of the checkpoint, or null if the checkpoint is no longer available
      • release

        public boolean release​(java.lang.String checkpoint)
        Description copied from interface: NodeStore
        Releases the provided checkpoint. If the provided checkpoint doesn't exist this method should return true.
        Specified by:
        release in interface NodeStore
        checkpoint - string reference of a checkpoint
        true if the checkpoint was successfully removed, or if it doesn't exist