Class WriterStreamRDFBlocks

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WriterStreamRDFBlocks
    extends WriterStreamRDFBase
    An output of triples / quads that print batches of same subject / same graph, same subject. It writes something that is easier to read than N-triples, N-quads but it's not full pretty printing which usually requires analysing the data before any output. If fed quads and triples, the output is valid TriG. If fed only triples, the output is valid Turtle.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WriterStreamRDFBlocks

        public WriterStreamRDFBlocks​( output,
                                     Context context)
      • WriterStreamRDFBlocks

        public WriterStreamRDFBlocks​( output,
                                     Context context)
      • WriterStreamRDFBlocks

        public WriterStreamRDFBlocks​( output,
                                     Context context)
    • Method Detail

      • prefixSetup

        public void prefixSetup​(java.lang.String prefix,
                                java.lang.String iri)