Class TestDAWG

  • public class TestDAWG
    extends java.lang.Object
    Vocabulary definitions from test-dawg.n3
    Auto-generated by schemagen on 26 Jul 2004 15:01
    • Field Detail

      • NS

        public static final java.lang.String NS

        The namespace of the vocabulary as a string ("")

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final Resource NAMESPACE

        The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource

      • queryForm

        public static final Property queryForm
      • warning

        public static final Property warning

        Indicates that while the test should pass, it may generate a warning.

      • issue

        public static final Property issue

        Contains a pointer to the associated issue on the RDF Data Access Working Group Tracking document.

      • approval

        public static final Property approval

        Contains a reference to the minutes of the RDF Data Access Working Group where the test case status was last changed.

      • resultForm

        public static final Property resultForm
      • description

        public static final Property description

        A human-readable summary of the test case.

      • status

        public static final Property status
      • Status

        public static final Resource Status

        Super class of all test status classes

      • ResultForm

        public static final Resource ResultForm

        Super class of all result forms

      • QueryForm

        public static final Resource QueryForm

        Super class of all query forms

      • resultResultSet

        public static final Resource resultResultSet

        Class of result expected to be from a SELECT query

      • queryConstruct

        public static final Resource queryConstruct

        Class of queries that are seeking a constructed graph

      • queryAsk

        public static final Resource queryAsk

        Class of queries that are seeking a yes/no question

      • resultGraph

        public static final Resource resultGraph

        Class of result expected to be a graph

      • NotClassified

        public static final Resource NotClassified

        Class of tests that have not been classified

      • booleanResult

        public static final Resource booleanResult

        Class of result expected to be a boolean

      • Approved

        public static final Resource Approved

        Class of tests that are Approved

      • Withdrawn

        public static final Resource Withdrawn

        Class of tests that have been Withdrawn

      • Obsoleted

        public static final Resource Obsoleted

        Class of tests that are Obsolete

      • queryDescribe

        public static final Resource queryDescribe

        Class of queries that are seeking a descriptive graph

      • querySelect

        public static final Resource querySelect

        Class of queries that are seeking variable bindings

      • Rejected

        public static final Resource Rejected

        Class of tests that are Rejected

    • Constructor Detail

      • TestDAWG

        public TestDAWG()
    • Method Detail

      • getURI

        public static java.lang.String getURI()

        The namespace of the vocabulary as a string

        See Also: