Class AnnotationPropertyImpl

    • Field Detail

      • factory

        public static Implementation factory
        A factory for generating AnnotationProperty facets from nodes in enhanced graphs. Note: should not be invoked directly by user code: use as() instead.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AnnotationPropertyImpl

        public AnnotationPropertyImpl​(Node n,
                                      EnhGraph g)

        Construct an ontology resource represented by the given node in the given graph.

        n - The node that represents the resource
        g - The enh graph that contains n
    • Method Detail

      • getOrdinal

        public int getOrdinal()
        Description copied from interface: Property
        Returns the ordinal value of a containment property.

        RDF containers use properties of the form _1, _2, _3 etc to represent the containment relationship between the container and the objects it contains. When invoked on such a containment property, this method returns the integer part of the property name. When invoked on other properties, it returns 0.

        Specified by:
        getOrdinal in interface Property
        getOrdinal in class OntPropertyImpl
        The ordinal value of a containment property, or 0 otherwise.
        See Also: