Class SomeValuesFromRestrictionImpl

    • Field Detail

      • factory

        public static Implementation factory
        A factory for generating SomeValuesFromRestriction facets from nodes in enhanced graphs. Note: should not be invoked directly by user code: use as() instead.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SomeValuesFromRestrictionImpl

        public SomeValuesFromRestrictionImpl​(Node n,
                                             EnhGraph g)

        Construct a hasValue restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.

        n - The node that represents the resource
        g - The enh graph that contains n
    • Method Detail

      • setSomeValuesFrom

        public void setSomeValuesFrom​(Resource cls)

        Assert that this restriction restricts the property to have at least one value that is a member of the given class. Any existing statements for someValuesFrom will be removed.

        Specified by:
        setSomeValuesFrom in interface SomeValuesFromRestriction
        cls - The class that at least one value of the property must belong to
        ProfileException - If the Profile.SOME_VALUES_FROM() property is not supported in the current language profile.
      • getSomeValuesFrom

        public Resource getSomeValuesFrom()

        Answer the resource characterising the constraint on at least one value of the restricted property. This may be a class, the URI of a concrete datatype, a DataRange object or the URI rdfs:Literal.

        Specified by:
        getSomeValuesFrom in interface SomeValuesFromRestriction
        A resource, which will have been pre-converted to the appropriate Java value type (OntClass or DataRange) if appropriate.
        ProfileException - If the Profile.SOME_VALUES_FROM() property is not supported in the current language profile.
      • hasSomeValuesFrom

        public boolean hasSomeValuesFrom​(Resource cls)

        Answer true if this property restriction has the given class as the class to which at least one value of the restricted property must belong.

        Specified by:
        hasSomeValuesFrom in interface SomeValuesFromRestriction
        cls - A class to test
        True if the given class is the class to which at least one value must belong
        ProfileException - If the Profile.SOME_VALUES_FROM() property is not supported in the current language profile.
      • removeSomeValuesFrom

        public void removeSomeValuesFrom​(Resource cls)

        Remove the statement that this restriction has some values from the given class among the values for the restricted property. If this statement is not true of the current model, nothing happens.

        Specified by:
        removeSomeValuesFrom in interface SomeValuesFromRestriction
        cls - A Resource the denotes the class to be removed from this restriction