Class OWL

  • public class OWL
    extends java.lang.Object
    Vocabulary definitions from file:vocabularies/owl.owl
    • Field Detail

      • NS

        public static final java.lang.String NS
        The namespace of the vocabulary as a string.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final Resource NAMESPACE
        The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
      • FULL_LANG

        public static final Resource FULL_LANG
        A resource that denotes the OWL-full sublanguage of OWL
      • DL_LANG

        public static final Resource DL_LANG
        A resource, not officially sanctioned by WebOnt, that denotes the OWL-DL sublanguage of OWL
      • LITE_LANG

        public static final Resource LITE_LANG
        A resource, not officially sanctioned by WebOnt, that denotes the OWL-Lite sublanguage of OWL
      • maxCardinality

        public static final Property maxCardinality
      • versionInfo

        public static final Property versionInfo
      • equivalentClass

        public static final Property equivalentClass
      • distinctMembers

        public static final Property distinctMembers
      • oneOf

        public static final Property oneOf
      • sameAs

        public static final Property sameAs
      • incompatibleWith

        public static final Property incompatibleWith
      • minCardinality

        public static final Property minCardinality
      • complementOf

        public static final Property complementOf
      • onProperty

        public static final Property onProperty
      • equivalentProperty

        public static final Property equivalentProperty
      • inverseOf

        public static final Property inverseOf
      • backwardCompatibleWith

        public static final Property backwardCompatibleWith
      • differentFrom

        public static final Property differentFrom
      • priorVersion

        public static final Property priorVersion
      • imports

        public static final Property imports
      • allValuesFrom

        public static final Property allValuesFrom
      • unionOf

        public static final Property unionOf
      • hasValue

        public static final Property hasValue
      • someValuesFrom

        public static final Property someValuesFrom
      • disjointWith

        public static final Property disjointWith
      • cardinality

        public static final Property cardinality
      • intersectionOf

        public static final Property intersectionOf
      • Thing

        public static final Resource Thing
      • DataRange

        public static final Resource DataRange
      • Ontology

        public static final Resource Ontology
      • DeprecatedClass

        public static final Resource DeprecatedClass
      • AllDifferent

        public static final Resource AllDifferent
      • DatatypeProperty

        public static final Resource DatatypeProperty
      • SymmetricProperty

        public static final Resource SymmetricProperty
      • TransitiveProperty

        public static final Resource TransitiveProperty
      • DeprecatedProperty

        public static final Resource DeprecatedProperty
      • AnnotationProperty

        public static final Resource AnnotationProperty
      • Restriction

        public static final Resource Restriction
      • Class

        public static final Resource Class
      • OntologyProperty

        public static final Resource OntologyProperty
      • ObjectProperty

        public static final Resource ObjectProperty
      • FunctionalProperty

        public static final Resource FunctionalProperty
      • InverseFunctionalProperty

        public static final Resource InverseFunctionalProperty
      • Nothing

        public static final Resource Nothing
    • Constructor Detail

      • OWL

        public OWL()
    • Method Detail

      • getURI

        public static java.lang.String getURI()
        The namespace of the vocabulary as a string