Class ContentAssembler

    • Field Detail

      • contentProperties

        public static final java.util.Set<Property> contentProperties
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContentAssembler

        public ContentAssembler()
      • ContentAssembler

        public ContentAssembler​(FileManager fm)
    • Method Detail

      • open

        public java.lang.Object open​(Assembler a,
                                     Resource root,
                                     Mode irrelevant)
        Description copied from interface: Assembler
        The core operation: answer a new object constructed according to the object description hanging from root, using the assembler a for any sub-objects. Use mode to decide if persistent objects are to be re-used or created; this mode is passed down to all sub-object construction.
        Specified by:
        open in interface Assembler
        Specified by:
        open in class AssemblerBase
      • getFileManager

        public java.lang.Object getFileManager()