Class DisjointUnion

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Graph, GraphWithPerform

    public class DisjointUnion
    extends Dyadic
    DisjointUnion - a version of Union that assumes the graphs are disjoint, and hence that find need not do duplicate-removal. Adding things to the graph adds them to the left component, and does not add triples that are already in the right component.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DisjointUnion

        public DisjointUnion​(Graph L,
                             Graph R)
    • Method Detail

      • graphBaseContains

        public boolean graphBaseContains​(Triple t)
      • performDelete

        public void performDelete​(Triple t)
        Description copied from class: GraphBase
        Remove a triple from the triple store. The default implementation throws a DeleteDeniedException; subclasses must override if they want to be able to remove triples.
        Specified by:
        performDelete in interface GraphWithPerform
        performDelete in class GraphBase
      • performAdd

        public void performAdd​(Triple t)
        Description copied from class: GraphBase
        Add a triple to the triple store. The default implementation throws an AddDeniedException; subclasses must override if they want to be able to add triples.
        Specified by:
        performAdd in interface GraphWithPerform
        performAdd in class GraphBase