Class AssemblerBase

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AssemblerGroup, ContentAssembler, DocumentManagerAssembler, FileManagerAssembler, LocationMapperAssembler, ModelAssembler, ModelSourceAssembler, OntModelSpecAssembler, PrefixMappingAssembler, ReasonerFactoryAssembler, RuleSetAssembler

public abstract class AssemblerBase extends Object implements Assembler
  • Constructor Details

    • AssemblerBase

      public AssemblerBase()
  • Method Details

    • open

      public final Object open(Resource root)
      Description copied from interface: Assembler
      Answer open( this, root, Mode.DEFAULT ).
      Specified by:
      open in interface Assembler
    • open

      public final Object open(Assembler a, Resource root)
      Description copied from interface: Assembler
      Answer open( a, root, Mode.DEFAULT ).
      Specified by:
      open in interface Assembler
    • open

      public abstract Object open(Assembler a, Resource root, Mode mode)
      Description copied from interface: Assembler
      The core operation: answer a new object constructed according to the object description hanging from root, using the assembler a for any sub-objects. Use mode to decide if persistent objects are to be re-used or created; this mode is passed down to all sub-object construction.
      Specified by:
      open in interface Assembler
    • openModel

      public Model openModel(Resource root, Mode mode)
      Description copied from interface: Assembler
      Answer (Model) open( this, root, mode ), unless the result cannot be or is not a Model, in which case throw an exception.
      Specified by:
      openModel in interface Assembler
    • openModel

      public Model openModel(Resource root)
      Description copied from interface: Assembler
      Answer (Model) open( this, root, Mode.DEFAULT ), unless the result cannot be or is not a Model, in which case throw an exception.
      Specified by:
      openModel in interface Assembler
    • getRequiredResource

      public static Resource getRequiredResource(Resource root, Property p)
    • getOptionalClassName

      public static String getOptionalClassName(Resource root, Property classProperty)
      Answer the string described by the value of the unique optional classProperty property of root, or null if there's no such property. The value may be a URI, in which case it must be a java: URI with content the class name; or it may be a literal, in which case its lexical form is its class name; otherwise, BOOM.