Class Delta

All Implemented Interfaces:
Graph, GraphWithPerform

public class Delta extends CompositionBase implements Graph
Graph operation for wrapping a base graph and leaving it unchanged while recording all the attempted updates for later access. The behavior of this class is not well defined if triples are added to or removed from the base graph, the additions graph, or the deletions graph while this graph is in use.
  • Constructor Details

    • Delta

      public Delta(Graph base)
  • Method Details

    • getCapabilities

      public Capabilities getCapabilities()
      Description copied from class: GraphBase
      Answer the capabilities of this graph; the default is an AllCapabilities object (the same one each time, not that it matters - Capabilities should be immutable).
      Specified by:
      getCapabilities in interface Graph
      getCapabilities in class GraphBase
    • getAdditions

      public Graph getAdditions()
      Answer the graph of all triples added.
    • getDeletions

      public Graph getDeletions()
      Answer the graph of all triples removed.
    • performAdd

      public void performAdd(Triple t)
      Add the triple to the graph, ie add it to the additions, remove it from the removals.
      Specified by:
      performAdd in interface GraphWithPerform
      performAdd in class GraphBase
    • performDelete

      public void performDelete(Triple t)
      Remove the triple, ie, remove it from the adds, add it to the removals.
      Specified by:
      performDelete in interface GraphWithPerform
      performDelete in class GraphBase
    • close

      public void close()
      Description copied from class: GraphBase
      Close this graph. Subgraphs may extend to discard resources.
      Specified by:
      close in interface Graph
      close in class GraphBase
    • graphBaseSize

      public int graphBaseSize()