Class ActionRouter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener , java.util.EventListener

    public final class ActionRouter
     implements ActionListener
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • doActionNow

         void doActionNow(ActionEvent e)

        To execute an action immediately in the current thread.

        e - the action to execute
      • getAction

         Set<Command> getAction(String actionName)

        Get the set of Commands registered under the name actionName

        actionName - The name the Commands were registered

        a set with all registered Commands for actionName

      • getAction

         Command getAction(String actionName, Class<out Object> actionClass)

        Get the Command registered under the name actionName, that is of ClassactionClass

        actionName - The name the Commands were registered
        actionClass - The class the Commands should be equal to

        The registered Command for actionName, or null if none could be found

      • getAction

         Command getAction(String actionName, String className)

        Get the Command registered under the name actionName , which class names are equal to className

        actionName - The name the Commands were registered
        className - The name of the class the Commands should be equal to

        The Command for actionName or null if none could be found

      • addPreActionListener

         void addPreActionListener(Class<out Object> action, ActionListener listener)

        Allows an ActionListener to receive notification of a command being executed prior to the actual execution of the command.

        action - the Class of the command for which the listener will notifications for.
        listener - the ActionListener to receive the notifications
      • removePreActionListener

         void removePreActionListener(Class<out Object> action, ActionListener listener)

        Allows an ActionListener to be removed from receiving notifications of a command being executed prior to the actual execution of the command.

        action - the Class of the command for which the listener will notifications for.
        listener - the ActionListener to receive the notifications
      • addPostActionListener

         void addPostActionListener(Class<out Object> action, ActionListener listener)

        Allows an ActionListener to receive notification of a command being executed after the command has executed.

        action - the Class of the command for which the listener will notifications for.
        listener - The ActionListener to be registered
      • removePostActionListener

         void removePostActionListener(Class<out Object> action, ActionListener listener)

        Allows an ActionListener to be removed from receiving notifications of a command being executed after the command has executed.

        action - the Class of the command for which the listener will notifications for.
        listener - The ActionListener that should be deregistered
      • populateCommandMap

         void populateCommandMap()

        Only for use by the JMeter.startGui. This method must not be called by getInstance() as was done previously. See Bug 58790

      • getInstance

         static ActionRouter getInstance()

        Gets the Instance attribute of the ActionRouter class


        The Instance value