Class JMeterTreeModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • JMeterTreeModel

        JMeterTreeModel(TestElement tp, TestElement wb)
        Deprecated after remove WorkBench
        tp - - Test Plan
        wb - - WorkBench
      • JMeterTreeModel

      • JMeterTreeModel

        JMeterTreeModel(Object o)
        Hack to allow TreeModel to be used in non-GUI and headless mode.
        o - - dummy
    • Method Detail

      • getNodesOfType

         List<JMeterTreeNode> getNodesOfType(Class<out Object> type)

        Returns a list of tree nodes that hold objects of the given class type. If none are found, an empty list is returned.

        type - The type of nodes, which are to be collected

        a list of tree nodes of the given type, or an empty list

      • getNodeOf

         JMeterTreeNode getNodeOf(TestElement userObject)

        Get the node for a given TestElement object.

        userObject - The object to be found in this tree

        the node corresponding to the userObject

      • addSubTree

         HashTree addSubTree(HashTree subTree, JMeterTreeNode current)

        Adds the sub tree at the given node. Returns a boolean indicating whether the added sub tree was a full test plan.

        subTree - The HashTree which is to be inserted into current
        current - The node in which the subTree is to be inserted.

        newly created sub tree now found at current

      • clearTestPlan

         void clearTestPlan()

        Clear the test plan, and use default node for test plan. N.B. Should only be called by clearTestPlan

      • clearTestPlan

         void clearTestPlan(TestElement testPlan)

        Clear the test plan, and use specified node for test plan N.B. Should only be called by clearTestPlan

        testPlan - the node to use as the testplan top node