Class Sample

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Sample

    Represents a sample read from a CSV source.

    Getters with a string parameter are implemented for convenience but should be avoided as they are inefficient



    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      long getSampleRow()
      String getData(int index) Gets the data stored in the column with the specified rank.
      String getData(String name) Gets the data stored in the column with the specified name.
      <T> T getData(Class<T> clazz, int index, String fieldName) Gets the data of the column matching the specified rank and converts it to an alternative type.
      <T> T getData(Class<T> clazz, String name) Gets the data of the column matching the specified name and converts it to an alternative type.
      String toString()
      long getTimestamp() Gets the time stamp stored in the sample.
      long getElapsedTime() Gets the elapsed time stored in the sample.
      long getStartTime() Gets the start time of the sample.
      long getEndTime() Gets the end time of the sample.
      String getResponseCode() Gets the response code stored in the sample.
      String getFailureMessage() Gets the failure message stored in the sample.
      String getName() Gets the name stored in the sample.
      String getResponseMessage() Gets the response message stored in the sample.
      long getLatency() Gets the latency stored in the sample.
      long getConnectTime() Gets the connect time stored in the sample.
      boolean getSuccess() Gets the success status stored in the sample.
      long getReceivedBytes() Gets the number of received bytes stored in the sample.
      long getSentBytes() Gets the number of sent bytes stored in the sample.
      int getGroupThreads() Gets the number of threads in the group of this sample.
      int getAllThreads() Gets the overall number of threads.
      String getThreadName() Gets the thread name stored in the sample.
      boolean isController() Checks if this sample is a controller.
      boolean isEmptyController() Checks if this sample is an empty controller.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Sample

        Sample(long row, SampleMetadata metadata, Array<String> data)
        Build a sample from a string array
        row - the row number in the CSV source from which this sample is built
        metadata - The sample metadata (contains column names)
        data - The sample data as a string array
    • Method Detail

      • getSampleRow

         long getSampleRow()

        the row number from the CSV source from which this sample has been built.

      • getData

         String getData(int index)

        Gets the data stored in the column with the specified rank.

        index - the rank of the column

        the data of the column

      • getData

         String getData(String name)

        Gets the data stored in the column with the specified name.

        name - the name of the column

        the data of the column

      • getData

         <T> T getData(Class<T> clazz, int index, String fieldName)

        Gets the data of the column matching the specified rank and converts it to an alternative type.

        clazz - the target class of the data
        index - the rank of the column
        fieldName - Field name

        the converted value of the data

      • getData

         <T> T getData(Class<T> clazz, String name)

        Gets the data of the column matching the specified name and converts it to an alternative type.

        clazz - the target class of the data
        name - the name of the column

        the converted value of the data

      • getTimestamp

         long getTimestamp()

        Gets the time stamp stored in the sample.


        the time stamp

      • getElapsedTime

         long getElapsedTime()

        Gets the elapsed time stored in the sample.


        the elapsed time stored in the sample

      • getStartTime

         long getStartTime()

        Gets the start time of the sample.

        Start time depends on sampleresult.timestamp.start property :

        • If the property is true, this method returns the time stamp stored in the sample.
        • If the property is false, this method returns the time stamp stored in the sample minus the elapsed time.

        the start time

      • getEndTime

         long getEndTime()

        Gets the end time of the sample.

        End time depends on jmeter.timestamp.start property :

        • If the property is true, this method returns the time stamp recorded in the sample plus the elapsed time.
        • If the property is false, this method returns the time stamp recorded.

        the end time

      • getResponseCode

         String getResponseCode()

        Gets the response code stored in the sample.


        the response code stored in the sample

      • getFailureMessage

         String getFailureMessage()

        Gets the failure message stored in the sample.


        the failure message stored in the sample

      • getName

         String getName()

        Gets the name stored in the sample.


        the name stored in the sample

      • getResponseMessage

         String getResponseMessage()

        Gets the response message stored in the sample.


        the response message stored in the sample

      • getLatency

         long getLatency()

        Gets the latency stored in the sample.


        the latency stored in the sample

      • getConnectTime

         long getConnectTime()

        Gets the connect time stored in the sample.


        the connect time stored in the sample or 0 is column is not in results

      • getSuccess

         boolean getSuccess()

        Gets the success status stored in the sample.


        the success status stored in the sample

      • getReceivedBytes

         long getReceivedBytes()

        Gets the number of received bytes stored in the sample.


        the number of received bytes stored in the sample

      • getSentBytes

         long getSentBytes()

        Gets the number of sent bytes stored in the sample. If column is not in results, we return 0


        the number of sent bytes stored in the sample

      • getGroupThreads

         int getGroupThreads()

        Gets the number of threads in the group of this sample.


        the number of threads in the group of this sample

      • getAllThreads

         int getAllThreads()

        Gets the overall number of threads.


        the overall number of threads

      • getThreadName

         String getThreadName()

        Gets the thread name stored in the sample.


        the thread name stored in the sample

      • isController

         boolean isController()

        Checks if this sample is a controller.


        true, if this sample is a controller; otherwise false

      • isEmptyController

         boolean isEmptyController()

        Checks if this sample is an empty controller.


        true, if this sample is a controller; otherwise false