Class ResultSaver

  • All Implemented Interfaces: , java.lang.Cloneable , org.apache.jmeter.engine.util.NoThreadClone , org.apache.jmeter.gui.Searchable , org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleListener , org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement , org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestStateListener

    public class ResultSaver
    extends AbstractTestElement implements NoThreadClone, Serializable, SampleListener, TestStateListener

    Save Result responseData to a set of files This is mainly intended for validation tests

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ResultSaver() Constructor is initially called once for each occurrence in the test plan For GUI, several more instances are created Then clear is called at start of test Called several times during test startup The name will not necessarily have been set at this point.
      ResultSaver(String name) Constructor for use during startup (intended for non-GUI use)
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void testStarted() Called just before the start of the test from the main engine thread.
      void testStarted(String host) Called just before the start of the test from the main engine thread.
      void testEnded() Called once for all threads after the end of a test.
      void testEnded(String host) Called once for all threads after the end of a test.
      void sampleOccurred(SampleEvent e) Saves the sample result (and any sub results) in files
      void sampleStarted(SampleEvent e) A sample has started.
      void sampleStopped(SampleEvent e) A sample has stopped.
      String getFilename()
      String getVariableName()
      boolean getErrorsOnly()
      boolean getSkipAutoNumber()
      boolean getSkipSuffix()
      boolean getSuccessOnly()
      boolean getAddTimeStamp()
      int getNumberPadLen()
      boolean getIgnoreTC()
      void setIgnoreTC(boolean value)
      void setFilename(String value)
      void setAddTimestamp(boolean selected)
      void setVariableName(String value)
      void setNumberPadLength(String text)
      void setErrorsOnly(boolean selected)
      void setSuccessOnly(boolean selected)
      void setSkipSuffix(boolean selected)
      void setSkipAutoNumber(boolean selected)
      • Methods inherited from class org.apache.jmeter.testelement.AbstractTestElement

        addTestElement, canRemove, clear, clearTestElementChildren, clone, equals, getComment, getName, getProperty, getPropertyAsBoolean, getPropertyAsBoolean, getPropertyAsDouble, getPropertyAsFloat, getPropertyAsInt, getPropertyAsInt, getPropertyAsLong, getPropertyAsLong, getPropertyAsString, getPropertyAsString, getPropertyOrNull, getSearchableTokens, getThreadContext, getThreadName, hashCode, isEnabled, isRunningVersion, isTemporary, propertyIterator, recoverRunningVersion, removeProperty, setComment, setEnabled, setName, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setRunningVersion, setTemporary, setThreadContext, setThreadName, traverse
      • Methods inherited from class org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement

        addTestElement, canRemove, clear, clearTestElementChildren, clone, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, getComment, getName, getOrCreate, getOrCreate, getOrNull, getOrNull, getOrNull, getProperty, getPropertyAsBoolean, getPropertyAsDouble, getPropertyAsFloat, getPropertyAsInt, getPropertyAsLong, getPropertyAsString, getPropertyOrNull, getProps, getSchema, getString, isEnabled, isRunningVersion, isTemporary, propertyIterator, recoverRunningVersion, removeProperty, removed, set, setComment, setEnabled, setName, setProperty, setTemporary, traverse
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResultSaver

        Constructor is initially called once for each occurrence in the test plan For GUI, several more instances are created Then clear is called at start of test Called several times during test startup The name will not necessarily have been set at this point.
      • ResultSaver

        ResultSaver(String name)
        Constructor for use during startup (intended for non-GUI use)
        name - of summariser
    • Method Detail

      • testStarted

         void testStarted()

        Called just before the start of the test from the main engine thread. This is before the test elements are cloned. Note that not all the test variables will have been set up at this point.

        N.B. testStarted() and testEnded() are called from different threads.

      • testStarted

         void testStarted(String host)

        Called just before the start of the test from the main engine thread. This is before the test elements are cloned. Note that not all the test variables will have been set up at this point.

        N.B. testStarted() and testEnded() are called from different threads.

        host - name of host
      • testEnded

         void testEnded()

        Called once for all threads after the end of a test. This will use the same element instances as at the start of the test.

        N.B. testStarted() and testEnded() are called from different threads.

      • testEnded

         void testEnded(String host)

        Called once for all threads after the end of a test. This will use the same element instances as at the start of the test.

        N.B. testStarted() and testEnded() are called from different threads.

        host - name of host