Class SampleEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SampleEvent
     implements Serializable

    Packages information regarding the target of a sample event, such as the result from that event and the thread group it ran in.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SampleEvent

        Constructor used for Unit tests only.
      • SampleEvent

        SampleEvent(SampleResult result, String threadGroup)
        Creates SampleEvent without saving any variables.
        result - The SampleResult to be associated with this event
        threadGroup - The name of the thread, the SampleResult was recorded
      • SampleEvent

        SampleEvent(SampleResult result, String threadGroup, JMeterVariables jmvars)
        Constructor used for normal samples, saves variable values if any are defined.
        result - The SampleResult to be associated with this event
        threadGroup - The name of the thread, the SampleResult was recorded
        jmvars - the JMeterVariables of the thread, the SampleResult was recorded
      • SampleEvent

        SampleEvent(SampleResult result, String threadGroup, String hostname)
        Only intended for use when loading results from a file.
        result - The SampleResult to be associated with this event
        threadGroup - The name of the thread, the SampleResult was recorded
        hostname - The name of the host, for which the SampleResult was recorded
      • SampleEvent

        SampleEvent(SampleResult result, String threadGroup, JMeterVariables jmvars, boolean isTransactionSampleEvent)
        result - The SampleResult to be associated with this event
        threadGroup - The name of the thread, the SampleResult was recorded
        jmvars - the JMeterVariables of the thread, the SampleResult was recorded
        isTransactionSampleEvent - Flag whether this event is an transaction sample event
    • Method Detail

      • getThreadGroup

         String getThreadGroup()

        Get the name of the thread group for which this event was recorded


        the name of the thread group

      • getHostname

         String getHostname()

        Get the name of the host for which this event was recorded


        the name of the host

      • getVarCount

         static int getVarCount()

        Get the number of defined variables


        the number of variables defined

      • getVarName

         static String getVarName(int i)

        Get the nth variable name (zero-based)

        i - specifies which variable name should be returned (zero-based)

        the variable name of the nth variable

      • getVarValue

         String getVarValue(int i)

        Get the nth variable value (zero-based)

        i - specifies which variable value should be returned (zero-based)

        the value of the nth variable