Class StatisticalSampleResult

  • All Implemented Interfaces: , java.lang.Cloneable , org.apache.jmeter.gui.Searchable

    public class StatisticalSampleResult
    extends SampleResult implements Serializable

    Aggregates sample results for use by the Statistical remote batch mode. Samples are aggregated by the key defined by getKey(). TODO: merge error count into parent class?

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getErrorCount() Returns the count of errors.
      void setErrorCount(int e)
      void add(SampleResult res)
      long getTime() Get the time it took this sample to occur.
      long getTimeStamp() Get the sample timestamp, which may be either the start time or the end time.
      static String getKey(SampleEvent event, boolean keyOnThreadName) Generates the key to be used for aggregating samples as follows:sampleLabel "-" [threadName|threadGroup] N.B.
      • Methods inherited from class org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleResult

        addAssertionResult, addRawSubResult, addSubResult, addSubResult, cleanAfterSample, clone, connectEnd, createTestSample, createTestSample, currentTimeInMillis, getAllThreads, getAssertionResults, getBodySize, getBodySizeAsLong, getBytes, getBytesAsLong, getConnectTime, getContentType, getDataEncodingNoDefault, getDataEncodingWithDefault, getDataType, getEndTime, getFirstAssertionFailureMessage, getGroupThreads, getHeadersSize, getIdleTime, getLatency, getMediaType, getParent, getRequestHeaders, getResponseCode, getResponseData, getResponseDataAsString, getResponseHeaders, getResponseMessage, getResultFileName, getSampleCount, getSampleLabel, getSampleLabel, getSamplerData, getSaveConfig, getSearchableTokens, getSentBytes, getStartTime, getSubResults, getTestLogicalAction, getThreadName, getURL, getUrlAsString, isBinaryType, isIgnore, isMonitor, isRenameSampleLabel, isResponseCodeOK, isStampedAtStart, isStartNextThreadLoop, isStopTest, isStopTestNow, isStopThread, isSuccessful, latencyEnd, markFile, removeAssertionResults, removeSubResults, sampleEnd, samplePause, sampleResume, sampleStart, setAllThreads, setBodySize, setBodySize, setBytes, setBytes, setConnectTime, setContentType, setDataEncoding, setDataType, setEncodingAndType, setEndTime, setErrorCount, setGroupThreads, setHeadersSize, setIdleTime, setIgnore, setLatency, setMonitor, setParent, setRequestHeaders, setResponseCode, setResponseCodeOK, setResponseData, setResponseData, setResponseData, setResponseHeaders, setResponseMessage, setResponseMessageOK, setResponseOK, setResultFileName, setSampleCount, setSampleLabel, setSamplerData, setSaveConfig, setSentBytes, setStampAndTime, setStartNextThreadLoop, setStopTest, setStopTestNow, setStopThread, setSuccessful, setTestLogicalAction, setThreadName, setTimeStamp, setURL, storeSubResult, storeSubResult, toDebugString, toString
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • StatisticalSampleResult

      • StatisticalSampleResult

        StatisticalSampleResult(long stamp, long elapsed)
        Allow CsvSaveService to generate a suitable result when sample/error counts have been saved.
        stamp - this may be a start time or an end time (both in milliseconds)
        elapsed - time in milliseconds
      • StatisticalSampleResult

        StatisticalSampleResult(SampleResult res)
        Create a statistical sample result from an ordinary sample result.
        res - the sample result
    • Method Detail

      • getErrorCount

         int getErrorCount()

        Returns the count of errors.


        0 - or 1 if the sample failed TODO do we need allow for nested samples?

      • getTime

         long getTime()

        Get the time it took this sample to occur.


        elapsed time in milliseconds

      • getTimeStamp

         long getTimeStamp()

        Get the sample timestamp, which may be either the start time or the end time.


        timeStamp in milliseconds

      • getKey

         static String getKey(SampleEvent event, boolean keyOnThreadName)

        Generates the key to be used for aggregating samples as follows:sampleLabel "-" [threadName|threadGroup]

        N.B. the key should agree with the fixed items that are saved in the sample.

        event - sample event whose key is to be calculated
        keyOnThreadName - true if key should use thread name, otherwise use thread group

        the key to use for aggregating samples