Class CSVSaveService

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class CSVSaveService

    This class provides a means for saving/reading test results as CSV files.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • processSamples

         static void processSamples(String filename, Visualizer visualizer, ResultCollector resultCollector)

        Read Samples from a file; handles quoted strings.

        filename - input file
        visualizer - where to send the results
        resultCollector - the parent collector
      • getSampleSaveConfiguration

         static SampleSaveConfiguration getSampleSaveConfiguration(String headerLine, String filename)

        Parse a CSV header line

        headerLine - from CSV file
        filename - name of file (for log message only)

        config corresponding to the header items found or null if not a header line

      • saveCSVStats

         static void saveCSVStats(List<out Object> data, Writer writer)

        Method will save aggregate statistics as CSV. For now I put it here. Not sure if it should go in the newer SaveService instead of here. if we ever decide to get rid of this class, we'll need to move this method to the new save service.

        data - List of data rows
        writer - output writer
      • saveCSVStats

         static void saveCSVStats(List<out Object> data, Writer writer, Array<String> headers)

        Method will save aggregate statistics as CSV. For now I put it here. Not sure if it should go in the newer SaveService instead of here. if we ever decide to get rid of this class, we'll need to move this method to the new save service.

        data - List of data rows
        writer - output file
        headers - header names (if non-null)
      • saveCSVStats

         static void saveCSVStats(DefaultTableModel model, FileWriter writer)

        Method saves aggregate statistics (with header names) as CSV from a table model. Same as saveCSVStats except that there is no need to create a List containing the data.

        model - table model containing the data
        writer - output file
      • saveCSVStats

         static void saveCSVStats(DefaultTableModel model, FileWriter writer, boolean saveHeaders)

        Method saves aggregate statistics as CSV from a table model. Same as saveCSVStats except that there is no need to create a List containing the data.

        model - table model containing the data
        writer - output file
        saveHeaders - whether or not to save headers
      • resultToDelimitedString

         static String resultToDelimitedString(SampleEvent event)

        Convert a result into a string, where the fields of the result are separated by the default delimiter.

        event - the sample event to be converted

        the separated value representation of the result

      • resultToDelimitedString

         static String resultToDelimitedString(SampleEvent event, String delimiter)

        Convert a result into a string, where the fields of the result are separated by a specified String.

        event - the sample event to be converted
        delimiter - the separation string

        the separated value representation of the result

      • quoteDelimiters

         static String quoteDelimiters(String input, Array<char> specialChars)

        Returns a String value for a character-delimited column value enclosed in the quote character, if required.

        If the value contains a special character, then the String value is returned enclosed in the quote character.

        Any quote characters in the value are doubled up.

        If the value does not contain any special characters, then the String value is returned unchanged.

        N.B. The list of special characters includes the quote character.

        input - the input column String, may be null (without enclosing delimiters)
        specialChars - special characters; second one must be the quote character

        the input String, enclosed in quote characters if the value contains a special character, null for null string input

      • csvReadFile

         static Array<String> csvReadFile(BufferedReader infile, char delim)

        Reads from file and splits input into strings according to the delimiter, taking note of quoted strings.

        Handles DOS (CRLF), Unix (LF), and Mac (CR) line-endings equally.

        A blank line - or a quoted blank line - both return an array containing a single empty String.

        infile - input file - must support mark(1)
        delim - delimiter (e.g.

        array of strings, will be empty if there is no data, i.e. if the input is at EOF.

      • csvSplitString

         static Array<String> csvSplitString(String line, char delim)

        Reads from String and splits into strings according to the delimiter, taking note of quoted strings. Handles DOS (CRLF), Unix (LF), and Mac (CR) line-endings equally.

        line - input line - not null
        delim - delimiter (e.g.

        array of strings